poem asesen

December 25, 2013
Nimrod Alexander Gershoni

As part of the ‘Arava Desert Art Week’ located at the eastern Negev Desert I constructed this shelter/ritual/dam outdoor installation obstructing a manmade channel for diverting flood water away from the adjasent Sapir village. This location was also chosen for the fact that it is right next to the ‘Cross Israel’ walking path and which is actually the only way to find and reach the installation. A mile away in another location i found a huge monolith rock which rises in the middle of a huge dump containing mostly construction waste. I used spray paint in a graffiti kind of manner to tag the rock with the phrase ‘open sesame’ only rearranging the letters to encrypt the meaning. The sand bag dam was made up from 120 sand bags in the middle of the channel, on one side there were the remains of a man made fire and on the other side was written an anagram comprised from encrypting the phrase ‘open sesame’ this time creating a new phrase ‘poem asesen’.

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