render interpolation / 2010

July 19, 2010
Nimrod Alexander Gershoni

This sequence is the outcome of using the AUTOMATE command in photoshop CS5 to try and mix colour. I created two files that contain the colour RED, both files are the same in size and pixel and both RED. Asking the software to combine these two files into an HDR image resulted in this sequence of images. The preview window that opens as part of the HDR procedure shows the future outcome of mixing the 2 files containing RED pixels, This “future” outcome is what interested me, So i screen captured the image. Further more i found out that each time i try to change any of the parameters in the preview window the previewed image would change, Soon i noticed that the change, Although seemed random, Was actually very monotonous and the more i experimented with colour mixing using the HDR automate method i could predict some of the outcomes. You can watch a video tutorial at this address

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render interpolation / 2010 render interpolation / 2010 render interpolation / 2010 render interpolation / 2010 render interpolation / 2010 render interpolation / 2010